The Risks of Ultrasonic Scalers in Dentistry

Ultrasonic scalers are commonly used in dentistry to remove plaque and tartar from teeth. However, there are some risks associated with this procedure that should be taken into account. Learn more about these risks here.

The Risks of Ultrasonic Scalers in Dentistry

Ultrasonic scalers are a popular tool used in dentistry to remove plaque and tartar from teeth. However, there are some risks associated with this procedure that should be taken into consideration. The most serious risk is the potential for irreversible pulpitis, which is caused by the aerosols and aerosols produced by the ultrasonic scaler. If the instrument and irrigation water source are not properly sterilized and maintained, these aerosols can be hazardous.

In addition, individuals with sensitive teeth or those who have recently had a tooth extracted should not use an ultrasonic scaler. People who also have teeth that are sensitive to temperature changes should opt for a manual scraper instead. Dentists and hygienists will usually check with the patient to make sure they are comfortable with the procedure before beginning. It is important to note that while ultrasonic scalers can be effective in removing plaque and tartar, they can also cause damage to the teeth if not used properly. Therefore, it is essential that dentists and hygienists take all necessary precautions when using this type of instrument.

This includes ensuring that the instrument is properly sterilized and maintained, as well as checking with the patient to make sure they are comfortable with the procedure before beginning. Overall, ultrasonic scalers can be an effective tool for removing plaque and tartar from teeth. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with this procedure and take all necessary precautions when using this type of instrument.